Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saving the GOP

The GOP candidate lost the presidential election because the party ignored a dominant shift in demographics. In order to win national office, the Republican Party must reorient itself toward these key demographics.

  1. it must reorient itself toward hispanic voters
  2. it must reorient itself toward immigrants
  3. it must reorient itself toward single women especially mothers
  4. it must reorient itself toward the impoverished and those receiving state and federal assistance, seeking ways to lift this demographic out of poverty
  5. it must reorient itself toward small business
  6. it must reorient itself toward all those earning less than 1 million dollars a year

In reorienting toward these demographics, the GOP must execute policy which the recipients perceive as beneficial to them, regardless of how legislators, pundits and decision makers create and implement policy initiatives.

In addition, the GOP must disassociate itself from special interests which are perceived by the American-body-politick as being detrimental, if not malevolent, to its own ideals. These include:

  1. disassociation with Big Business and its influence
  2. disassociation with Wall Street
  3. disassociation with back door and back room deals
  4. disassociation with any group or interest that puts its own needs ahead of the national interest

Although number 4 may be a challenge because every group - and every person - seeks to improve their position and status in life, we all can find ways to achieve these ends without jeopardizing the same for other groups.

Certain legislation should also be enacted to help the United States move forward without the dragging influence of special interests and the divisiveness Big Business and special interests create between Congress and themselves on one side and the American people on the other. Also certain initiatives should be executed to establish a baseline from which clear decisions can be made.

  1. balanced budget amendment
  2. 12 year term limits amendment for both the Senate and the House
  3. public and transparent audit of the Federal Reserve
  4. public and transparent audit of the Energy Department, FDA, Dept. of Education and the DOD.
  5. public and transparent audit of all recipients of TARP
  6. dissolve the IRS, Federal Reserve and the TSA
  7. revoke all policy, acts, initiatives and legislation which supersede the Constitution (e.g. TSA, wiretaps, seizure of private property)

And the GOP should support several initiatives and issues.

  1. unions which serve their membership and which do no disservice to the public or nation
  2. strict new legislation and regulations on the size and operations of Big Banks with a reemphasis promoting community banks
  3. a labor initiative which supports a realistic minimum wage, a minimum of 3 week annual vacations, protection of working mothers

How and in what way these initiatives should be supported must be left to discussion and debate within the halls of corporate America, around the watercooler, across kitchen tables and over coffee tables, in coffee shops and sports bars and in the halls and meeting rooms of Congress.

Finally there are at least 2 initiatives the GOP may consider.

  1. establishing that all natural resources of a state are the rightful property of the citizens of that state and that any extraction of said natural resources shall be licensed at a marketable, fair rate and at least 80% of such proceeds directly distributed to the recipients in the form of a check in their name mailed to their last known address or direct deposit to their bank account (think Alaska)
  2. requiring each corporation with gross revenues of 50 (100?) million or over to establish an employee trust fund to which 10% to 25% of profits shall be distributed and paid out to eligible employees monthly and an employees stock trust that shall hold no less than 10% of a corporations stock enabling employees to vote in corporate actions

With this plan in hand, the GOP may be able to recapture key demographics it has lost and help impel the US economy toward growth and greater productivity.

(Originally published "" Dec 3, 2013

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