Monday, December 5, 2011

The Solution That Will Save the Nation

by Perry Jones

It seems obvious to me that we as a nation, and we as a people, do not have the answers to the questions that divide us; we cannot even agree on the questions. It seems obvious to me that neither the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, nor the Democrats, nor the Republicans, nor the Tea Party, nor the independents, nor Obama, nor Newt, nor Ron Paul, nor Romney have the solutions that are best for this nation.

Further, it seems obvious to me that although we all agree that the path we are on is the wrong path for this nation to travel, none of us can agree on what the right path is.

Therefore, I think we should forget about politics and about all the problems this nation has. We are not going to agree on the answers, we are not even going to agree on the questions.

No one knows who the best candidate is, but God knows. No one knows what the best solutions are for our nation, but God knows. No one knows how to heal the polarization between the parties or in Congress or how to unite us when so much seems to divide us. I don't have the answers to these questions nor does anyone, but God does.

We need to place all our concerns, questions and worries at the feet of God. Then we need to get down on our knees and pray. God has promised that if we are sincere and earnest and bring our concerns to him, he will meet us halfway and provide the answers to our prayers, the solutions to our questions and relief from our worries. He will dry our tears, remove our fear and bring us through safely to a new, brighter, better day.

We need to stop the bickering and ask God to show us the candidate who will be best for our nation.

We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and ask God to show us what solutions are best for our country.

We need to stop blaming each other and ask God to show us what each of us must do personally to help God bring each of us and this nation back to Him.

Finally, we need to stop in our haste and the busyness of our every day lives and enjoy the life that God has ordained for us. We need to stop wondering what to do and ask God to show us what must be done to restore those things that made this nation great and made us a light to all nations.

We don't know the answers, we don't know the solutions, but God does, and He will show us what they are, if we but honestly, humbly and sincerely ask.

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