Sunday, November 13, 2011

America, Down and Out?

Millions are out of work; the real unemployment rate stands at somewhat above 16%. Thousands of demonstrators occupy city streets and parks while unions throw in their support for the demonstrators. Congress is paralyzed into immobility while the people seem confused, divided and rooted in chaos. America is facing dark days; our economy teeters on the edge of a cliff and foreclosures continue forcing American families into the streets and shelters and to live with relatives and friends. Things could be better.

The cafe is better when it is full of happy customers instead of being cold and dark.

The store next door is better when the cash registers are ringing up sales instead of having a sign on a boarded up window that says "Out of Business."

The downtown company is better when it has chairs full of productive employees instead of a room full of empty seats.

America may be facing a challenge, but we haven't chosen defeat.

We may have fallen, but we haven't given up.

And although we may have fumbled the ball, we haven't quit the game.

We may have millions of people out of work, but there is plenty of work to do.

The question is not whether there is work, the question is will the Federal Government and big companies and the big banks with their big bailouts get out of the way so we can do what needs to be done? We aren't looking for a bailout or a handout, we just need you to get out of the way.

Congress may be as paralyzed and as frozen as a cow patty in a Minnesota winter, but the people are alive and kicking.

We may not agree on what direction we should take, but we do agree that the direction we have been on is wrong.

We may not see eye to eye on everything we must do, but that does not mean we can't stand shoulder to shoulder to do something.

To the outside world, and even to ourselves, it may appear that we are divided, confused and stuck in chaos. It may look like a dirty, grimy mess, but this is America and our history proves to us that this is simply how Americans get things done.

Things don't get done in Washington D.C. or in the halls of Congress or in Times Square or on Wall Street. Things get done over the kitchen table, things get done in cafes and diners, things get done in the hallways and around the water coolers of every great place in America. Things get done where it counts, not in places where high priced lawyers pulling million dollar salaries debate over where to place a comma; things get done in the Mean Streets where we're trying to decide how best to pour the cement.

This is America, we have faced dark times before, we have struggled under recession and depression and near relentless enemies. We have faced famine and flood and natural disaster of every kind. We have seen bridges fail and we have rebuilt them, we have seen levees break and we have reconstructed them, we have experienced tragedy that has brought us to our knees and we have grieved but we didn't stay down. We wept together, we embraced our neighbors, we have helped each other back up, we have pulled together and gotten back to work. We were not down and out, we were getting ready.

We are Americans and this is America. Things may appear dark and bleak right now, it may appear as if we are in the midst of a storm, but better days are coming.

We are Americans, this is America; we are proud and we are strong and we are coming back, bigger, better, bolder, prouder and stronger than ever. We are not bent over under the weight of grief and despair, we are lacing our boots. We are not clenching our fists in hopelessness, we are putting on our gloves. We may be at the bottom of the count, but we are at the top of our game. We may be bruised, bloodied and battered, but like Rocky, we won't quit until we've won!

America is here, we are coming and we are coming out swinging! The world thinks they have us where they want us, but they don't know us; we can't be held back, we don't give up and we don't quit. When things are falling apart, Americans are pulling together; when things seem the darkest, Americans see the coming of dawn; when the rest of the world has given up, Americans are getting ready.

We are Americans, we are coming together to get things done because that's what needs to be done. We may not see eye to eye but we can stand shoulder to shoulder, we are not down and out, we are just getting ready. America is coming, we are coming back big, bold, proud and strong. We are going to be bigger, better and bolder than ever before. We are not down and out, we are on the rebound, and the rest of the world had better step aside because America is stepping up!

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