Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Foreign Policy for the Next President

By Perry Jones

The Administration’s continuing dalliance with weakness and vacillation has placed the United States in a dangerous and precarious position. This heightens the security risk not only of the United States but also Europe, our NATO allies and friends and allies around the world.

Provocative steps by other nations can only be met with strength and certitude. The position of not wanting to antagonize or provoke another nation in the face of such actions is a position maintained only by those without a strategic sense or awareness of foreign policy or international politics.

Provocative steps can only be met with strength and authority. Half-measures – or no measures – as the Obama Administration seems to specialize in, only serve to encourage and facilitate potential opponents and adversaries into greater displays of strength and increased use of hostile and provocative actions to threaten other nations, gain political capital and acquire presence among their friends and world threats.

In order to maintain peace and international stability, we must recognize that there are bullies and bad actors in the world who seek nothing more than power, the acquisition of territory and violence directed at all those who oppose their aims.

President Obama’s weakness has placed the United States and our allies and friends into a severe state of security risk. Threats and aggressive moves by Iran, China, North korea, Syria’s Assad and Russia have all been encouraged by weakness in the White House. The next President must reverse this trend of indecisiveness, weakness, vacillation, fear, half-steps and half-measures.

The next President must put the world on notice – friend and foe alike - that the United States will no longer play the victim or roll over. The United States will no longer renege on its international promises or its obligations to international law or the security of Americans everywhere.

To this end, any armed aircraft or missile approaching within the designated security area of a US warship will be shot down. Russian forces in Syria and Ukraine must depart, surrender or be extinguished by US cruise missile strikes.

China must turn over the facilities on all islands belonging to other nations in the South China Sea to their rightful owners. United States Marines will facilitate this transfer.

Iran’s missile facilities will be targeted and struck by NATO forces if Iran violates any part of the agreements it has signed and Israel will be given authority to monitor and oversee this compliance.

These are just a sampling of the preliminary steps the next President must take to undo the damage done by eight years of foreign policy mistakes, weakness and the gutting of the United States armed forces.

When America demonstrates strength, we preserve peace. When we prepare for war, we deter war. When we meet violations of international law using force with strong measures of our own, we preserve the international order.

There can be no mistaking the strength or intentions of the United States beginning with the next President. Upon the inauguration of America’s next President, the United States must take a different course and display strength, commitment and decisiveness. The people of the United States need strong leadership which has been missing for eight years. The world needs a strong America. The people of the United States deserve no less. May God bless the United States of America.