Sunday, February 10, 2019

War with China or Multipolar Peace?

By Perry Jones

Before we impart on building a framework for peace, we must first understand the circumstances that make such a framework necessary.

During World War Two, the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and other powers assisted the Chinese people and the legitimate Kuomintang Chinese government confront and then defeat the Imperial Japanese. This legitimate Chinese government is now ensconced on the island of Taiwan. This is the Republic of Taiwan.

When the Imperial Japanese were defeated, Mao Tse-tung led the Imperial Communist forces to victory over the forces of the Republic of China which were now exhausted by 15 years of constant warfare with Imperial Japan.

That the Imperial Communist Chinese government persuaded its people to fight a war against the United States just a few years later - a nation who had assisted the Chinese people in every way, losing thousands of lives and shedding the blood of its young men to help make China free - is prima facie evidence of the duplicity and ulterior motives that lie at the heart of the Imperial Communist Chinese government.

President Nixon and Chairman Mao began a rapprochement in 1973 that began a long period of a steadily improving relationship between the United States and China, and leaders and the people of the United States began to feel that maybe China wasn't so bad after all.

Then in the first breath of the "Freedom Spring" which later blossomed and traveled across the world, in over 300 of China's cites, 100 million students, housewives, factory workers, academics, technicians and local government officials demonstrated for freedom, reforms and an end to corruption within the Imperial Communist Chinese government.

As these demonstrations were winding down in late May of 1989, 100,000 students and demonstrators occupied Tiananmen Square. On the night of June 3rd and 4th, 1989, the Imperial Communist Chinese government sent in troops, tanks and armored vehicles to clear the square. The students resisted and the troops opened fire while tanks and armored vehicles crushed innocent boys and girls beneath their treads. 7,000 innocent Chinese students died and many thousands more were injured. Hospital floors ran red with the blood of the innocent, mercilessly gunned down and run over by the apparatus of the Imperial Communist Chinese government.

Maybe China couldn't be trusted after all.

In the United States, the myth of a peaceful Chinese government was destroyed and the reality of the Imperial Communist Chinese government was revealed for what it truly was - a monstrous, evil government that crushes the hopes and dreams of political freedom, liberty, a free press of its own people, the people it claims to protect, but whose actions expose that claim as a lie.

In the western world we have a proverb, "actions speak louder than words." The actions of the Imperial Communist Chinese government do not only speak louder than its words, their actions contradict them.

Now we fast forward to today. Since the dismaying days of 1989, the United States has reached out to China, providing technological support, favorable nation trade status, helping it to join the World Trade Organization, helping it and hoping it will join the ranks of law-abiding nations worldwide. This was truly a new rapprochement and Chinese students attended in droves American colleges and universities, trade flourished between the nations and American athletic teams toured and traveled throughout China while Chinese performers toured the USA.

In 2008, China hosted the Summer Olympics which many say was the most spectacular Olympics of all. This was a great accomplishment and an impressive display of the potential a peaceful China can have toward contributing to the world in terms of its culture, history, entrepreneurship and engineering.

But how has China responded?

China has retained its tariffs sealing its’ domestic markets against American goods while Chinese goods flood the American market. American companies seeking to expand into the Chinese market must hand over their proprietary secrets in order to operate in China, China steals intellectual property of hundreds of copyright and patent holders around the world and it indiscriminately attacks the electrical and Internet networks of other nations and the United States through cyber warfare.

In the South China Sea, China invades the islands of other nations and builds islands in the open sea where no island existed before within the territories of other nations, damaging the marine environment, discouraging shipping and fishing, killing sailors and soldiers of other nations, using its naval forces to ram into the ships of other nations, invading other nations' territorial waters to conduct oil exploration or fishing and ignoring all norms of international law, morality or decency.

President Obama was promised by Xi jinping that China would never militarize the islands it had constructed in the South China Sea. But that is precisely what China has done. As a result, we now know that Xi Jinping cannot be trusted and his words are meaningless dribble. The Native Americans had a phrase they used to describe a person who has the same duplicitous chracter as Xi Jinping. They said that such a man spoke "with a forked tongue."

China has dishonored its commitment to the United Kingdom by interfering with the political process and squelching the free press in Hong Kong when it assured London it never would. It has jailed dissidents, raided peaceful churches and imprisoned those who dare to express independent thought outside the script of the Imperial Communist policy.

China threatens its neighbors with armed invasion even though this nation seeks freedom and liberty independent of China. It seeks only to live in peace; but China promises only war. These are not the actions of a benevolent China, they are analogous to those of Adolph Hitler prior to World War Two.

At the beginning of World War Two, Adolph Hitler changed the laws to make himself President-for-Life. Xi Jinping has done the same, changing the Chinese Constitution to make himself President-for-Life. Hitler began accruing all national power to himself, Xi Jinping is doing the same. If we recognize Hitler as a dictator, how then do we describe Xi Jinping?

Through its actions, the Imperial Communist Chinese government displays the behavior of a spoiled child. It cannot be trusted.

As a result of this aggressive behavior and the constant threats of force, the nations in the western Pacific region are rapidly building up their militaries to counter the growing threat from China and asking for assistance and aid from the United States.

It is the belief of the United States that all nations can live in harmony with each other when each nation respects international law.

In the western Pacific region, this role has fallen largely to the United States Navy. Other than two wars, in Vietnam and on the Korean peninsula, the U.S. Navy has maintained that peace and has continued to do so for almost three quarters of a century. Now the Imperial Communist Chinese party threatens that peace.

Lest it be overlooked, the United States has not been perfect - far from it.

From overthrowing legitimately elected governments, to economic coercion, from diplomatic blackmail to outright invasion, the concept of a peaceful world power had disappeared through its actions.

Much of these acts by both powers are inexcusable. But a way - a peaceful way forward must be found.

First let us establish a broad framework before we address the details of a way forward.

All nations seek peace. We share a single planet that is being stripped of its forests and increasing in environmental disaster.

We hope our children have a better future than our own, we seek good friends, good health, honest relationships and good careers. We seek the love of a man or woman and we seek to express our love. We desire drama free lives and the income to enjoy them. We seek the potential to dream dreams and achieve them. Some of us desire to start a business, others find their passion in art or music, some people give all they have to those less fortunate than they, while others seek to live their lives in harmony with nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the teeming cities.

As human beings, we share common feelings, we share common aspirations and we seek similar goals. We establish institutions of government among men that we may live the lives we choose, to aspire to our hopes and dreams and to protect us from the dark desires of others.

Yet our Founding fathers recognized that men of darkness aspire to the highest reaches of political power and sometimes attain them. They knew that the best governments can do wrong, and that all governments will eventually grow insidiously and invasively to control the lives and confiscate the wealth of its citizens. To counter this tendency, they established a Constitution whose structure and framework seemed adequate to stymie these overreaches of government.

All human beings aspire to liberty. If the citizens of Russia, Iran, China, Cuba and North Korea were allowed to speak freely, they would all agree that liberty and the pursuit of happiness are both goals that we all desire.

How then do we frame a world of peace when the governments of the world have such disparate aims?

How do we build a workable framework when we must bridge the gap between an authoritarian state like Russia and a state such as the Vatican?

How do we bridge the gaps when a nation such as Israel is surrounded by enemies?

How do we build the framework of peace when men of dark design gain the weapons of war, the reins of government and indoctrinate its people to his own dark designs?

How do we build a world of peace when great powers of near equal potentials hold divergent views on how the world works, to the desires people aspire to and that resolution of differences on the battlefield are acceptable means of government policy?

The answers lie in the very questions we have asked.

Nations of near equal capabilities, whose world views are so divergent, must unite on common principles and themes while agreeing to build a framework that assures peace even when the times turn dark and no other option but war stares them in the face. This is the critical moment when each nation involved must take a breath and step back from the brink because the destructiveness of even conventional war in our times is almost incomprehensible.

First, each nation must commit to a policy of not attacking or invading another or using force except upon invasion by another power, to assist treaty partners or friends, in defense of national strategic interests, in defense of territorial integrity and to enforce international law.

When these interests clash or contradict each other, force must not be the first action we take, but the last, when all other possibilities are exhausted.

Instead of force of arms we must take up the implements of compromise and seek common ground. First, where do we disagree? Next, what alternatives are available? Third, is arbitration a viable option? Fourth, what actions would violate international law? Fifth, on what factors do we agree?

From this beginning, we may be able to reduce the chances of conflict between powers and actors.

Second, we should establish a "hot line" system where each national leader can immediately contact any or all other national leaders who have joined in this commitment.

Third, regular non-specific, and non-summit face-to-face meetings should be held at least quarterly. These meetings should be only meetings to discuss common problems and issues, not necessarily to resolve them. Let the technicians, ministers and secretaries work out any resolution.

Fourth, we must seek areas where we can agree to work together; to assist shipping in the Indian Ocean against pirates, to help each other inject resources, aid and supplies into areas of natural disaster, to provide food, clothing, water, shelter and health care in areas where these basic fundamentals of living are lacking, to aid and assist each other in the exploration of space, to commit to working together to find a way toward peace in areas where war has torn the region apart.

Fifth, in our discussions with those nations with whom we may disagree on many issues, we must find some program, some step or some course of action, regardless of how trivial it may seem, on which we can agree and implement that program. If we continue to seek such measures and implement them as we are able, we may eventually find ourselves standing on the threshold of a lasting, full-scale peace between us.

Sixth, all nations must recognize that the world is multipolar. Great nations will rise and fall. Some will diminish as others ascend. When we recognize this is the natural evolution of the human race, we can sit back and enjoy the ride rather than resorting to war.

Seventh, in a multipolar world, in which several nations may be peer competitors, we must observe and adhere to strict interpretations of international law in trade, commerce, cyber warfare - which must cease - and intellectual property, which must be protected.

As nations gain in power or lose stature, each nation, whether rising or declining, must commit to adhere to these international principles, commitments and to cooperation. War must be the final solution, not the first.

When nations act dishonorably, when they threaten their neighbors whether Taiwan, Ukraine or Israel, when nations grab lands not their own or build land in the territories of other nations, when they steal intellectual property, when they coerce, cajole and extort other leaders or nations or global actors to their own cause, when they seek to expand their land through force which is imperialism, then we have crushed the seeds of peace.

It is when nations and actors pursue a path of actions just short of war, that their opponents may find no solution other than a kinetic solution. This is poison to the seeds of peace.

The seeds of peace must be nurtured. They must be allowed to take root and grow.

It is only when we seek peace, that peace may be possible, but when we seek war, we make war almost inevitable.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Foreign Policy for the Next President

By Perry Jones

The Administration’s continuing dalliance with weakness and vacillation has placed the United States in a dangerous and precarious position. This heightens the security risk not only of the United States but also Europe, our NATO allies and friends and allies around the world.

Provocative steps by other nations can only be met with strength and certitude. The position of not wanting to antagonize or provoke another nation in the face of such actions is a position maintained only by those without a strategic sense or awareness of foreign policy or international politics.

Provocative steps can only be met with strength and authority. Half-measures – or no measures – as the Obama Administration seems to specialize in, only serve to encourage and facilitate potential opponents and adversaries into greater displays of strength and increased use of hostile and provocative actions to threaten other nations, gain political capital and acquire presence among their friends and world threats.

In order to maintain peace and international stability, we must recognize that there are bullies and bad actors in the world who seek nothing more than power, the acquisition of territory and violence directed at all those who oppose their aims.

President Obama’s weakness has placed the United States and our allies and friends into a severe state of security risk. Threats and aggressive moves by Iran, China, North korea, Syria’s Assad and Russia have all been encouraged by weakness in the White House. The next President must reverse this trend of indecisiveness, weakness, vacillation, fear, half-steps and half-measures.

The next President must put the world on notice – friend and foe alike - that the United States will no longer play the victim or roll over. The United States will no longer renege on its international promises or its obligations to international law or the security of Americans everywhere.

To this end, any armed aircraft or missile approaching within the designated security area of a US warship will be shot down. Russian forces in Syria and Ukraine must depart, surrender or be extinguished by US cruise missile strikes.

China must turn over the facilities on all islands belonging to other nations in the South China Sea to their rightful owners. United States Marines will facilitate this transfer.

Iran’s missile facilities will be targeted and struck by NATO forces if Iran violates any part of the agreements it has signed and Israel will be given authority to monitor and oversee this compliance.

These are just a sampling of the preliminary steps the next President must take to undo the damage done by eight years of foreign policy mistakes, weakness and the gutting of the United States armed forces.

When America demonstrates strength, we preserve peace. When we prepare for war, we deter war. When we meet violations of international law using force with strong measures of our own, we preserve the international order.

There can be no mistaking the strength or intentions of the United States beginning with the next President. Upon the inauguration of America’s next President, the United States must take a different course and display strength, commitment and decisiveness. The people of the United States need strong leadership which has been missing for eight years. The world needs a strong America. The people of the United States deserve no less. May God bless the United States of America.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

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Friday, March 21, 2014

United States Vetoes Ukraine's Application to Join NATO

Under President Obama, the United States continues to run scared and display weakness. With the recent Russian aggression in Ukraine and the subsequent annexation of Crimea, the United States has abandoned Ukraine to Putin telling Ukrainian officials in private that the United States will veto any attempt by Ukraine to join NATO.

Obama lives in a world of his own making that has no connection to the real world. Being played by Putin, he continues to believe the world is a rosy place in which if people only talk everything will be better. With this naivete', Obama allows himself to be played by those who see the world differently - and more realistically.

Our Liar-in-Chief is now saying that he hopes to avoid a hot war with Russia and will do anything and everything in his power to avoid it. If only Reagan were President now. Reagan understood tyrants and bullies and real-world politics. If Reagan were President, the Russian aggression of Ukraine would probably never have happened.

Those who use force to achieve their aims are stopped only by the threat of force. Talk has little sway over them because they do not believe in talk unless it serves their purpose - which is to attain more of their political or military agenda. Obama has walked into this quicksand by wearing rose-colored glasses that do not permit him to see quicksand or quagmires. As a result, Obama's actions over the last five years have encouraged tyrants, despots, dictators and powerful nations around the world to exercise their power to achieve their aims at the expense of the White House and the rule of law. Not only is Putin's actions a case in point, but so is Chinese action in the western Pacific, Assad's actions in Syria and Kim's actions in North Korea. Will there be another international ploy by someone who wants to play Obama?

Obama is getting played, and what is really sad is he doesn't even know it. By abandoning Ukraine and vetoing any application by Ukraine to join NATO, the United States is only making the current situation worse and laying the groundwork for more repercussions from other states and non-state actors in the future. Obama is making thins worse not better. Obama is making the world less safe, not more safe.

Obama has a view of geopolitics that is naive at best and dangerous at worst. To prevent a hot war as he seeks, you must prepare for one. Only by displaying strength do you prevent wars, not by appearing weak or appeasing bullies. This was a lesson we laerned during World War Two, but Obama seems never to have learned it nor studied history.

Our worst President in history may destroy the United States yet. This Amateur in the White House remains the worst choice the American people have made in our deteriorating state of the Executive office. From bad to worse, the caliber of our President's have been sliding downhill since Ronald Reagan. I feel only God can save us now. It is certainly beyond any human's capability and far beyond President Obama's.

by Perry Jones

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ukraine: The Beginning of World War 3?

The invasion of the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine by Russia on Friday, February 28th represents a clear and dangerous challenge to European peace and stability and the international rule of law.

This challenge to international law is a direct result of the failed foreign policy of a weak United States President who imposes "lines in the sand" and then turns around and runs away with his tail between his legs whenever any of his lines is crossed.

This cowardly action on the part of the current American Administration has emboldened powerful tyrants and despots around the world. The only time the current American President shows a stiff spine is when he is siccing the IRS and other executive tools against the very American people whose civil rights and liberty he is supposed to be protecting.

From a vacillating President, whose domestic policy is as much a shambles and train wreck as his foreign policy, we have a weakened American military which may be unable to adequately protect American interests and defend American allies.

Now is the time of decision. The President must act quickly, he must act decisively and he must act forcefully. Diplomatic solutions are ineffective with those who would use force to achieve their aims, unless they have already succeeded in those aims.

The worst that could happen is for the American President to do nothing except express grave concerns and spout unnamed "consequences" for the actions of those who would flout world peace and stability. To do nothing now only will embolden and encourage dictators, despots and tyrants around the world. Syria's Assad, North Korea's Kim, Iran, China and terrorist groups around the world may all be emboldened and encouraged to seek aggression to achieve their aims.

The President must act quickly. He must act decisively and he must act forcefully. These three aspects are outside the character of the American President who usually chooses to vacillate, to appease and then to turn tail whenever he is directly challenged. But the President must find it somewhere within himself to act, for now is the time for deliberate and forceful action.

The Russian President must be made aware that world tolerance for this type of behavior on the part of a great power will not be tolerated. Therefore, I propose the following actions to be taken immediately:
1. Cancellation of the G8 Summit in Sochi to be relocated to Paris or London and reconstituted as a G7 Summit.
2. Send elements of the 101st Air Assault and 102nd Airborne to Kiev.
3. Request the Polish President to request American anti-air and Patriot missile batteries to the border between Poland and Russia.
4. Send Patriot and anti-air batteries to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine to be replaced with permanent anti-aircraft and anti-missile batteries at some point in the future.
5. Send U.S. naval forces to shadow Russian fleet movements in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States and in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
6. Freeze Russian assets in United States banks, the World Bank and the IMF.
7. Convene the UN Security Council to deliver a strong denunciation of Russian actions in Ukraine.
8. Call upon NATO to consider troop allocations and deployment within Europe and Turkey in light of the Russian aggression.

These steps are incremental, limited and deliberate. They constitute a forceful response to the Russian invasion in Crimea and all of these except for creating the East European missile shield are open to negotiation between Russia and the western powers.

By showing restraint coupled with the limited steps I have proposed, Russia will need to negotiate. The future of Crimea must be left to the people of Crimea and Ukraine, it cannot be and must not be allowed to be decided by a malevolent dictator bent on the forceful acquisition of a peaceful people. Russian troops must roll back to the bases within Russia, and 150,000 Russian troops on the border of Ukraine must return to their bases. The steps I have herein proposed will help assure that these measures occur.

The American President must act. To do nothing now will only encourage those around the world to use force to achieve their aims. They will be opposed by those who have the courage to oppose but who may not have the might to do so. This would lead to war. The American President must act quickly, decisively and forcefully now because to do nothing could very well lead to the beginning of World War Three.

By Perry Jones

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

As Gunshots Shatter Our Lives

The recent tragedy at the mall in New Jersey gives us all pause. Mass shootings in America are increasing.

My fear is this: That President Obama will use this spate of recent shootings and future shootings as an excuse to seize guns from the hands of the American people. Under the PATRIOT Act, he already has authority to do this. All he has to do is declare a national emergency of some kind and assume the authority granted by President by Bush's treasonous PATRIOT Act.

Why these shootings are occurring is a different question. Whether these shootings are initiated by a conspiracy of The Powers That Be or whether they are initiated by Satan or whether they are merely a coincidence or a function of the new American Way of Life, the fact that they are coming more rapidly, at an increasing pace cannot be denied. America is in a state of siege.

Confiscating the guns of Americans would be the wrong path to take. The right path would be a massive renewal of faith, a returning back to Jesus Christ our Savior and repenting of the sins of our nation. Without this mass revival, it is most likely that any other measure would fail to provide any actual safety although the illusion of safety may be instilled.

If current gun violence is a function of higher powers whose goal is to rid America of guns, then confiscating guns would quell the violence of guns. If the current gun violence is not a function of higher powers but rather a function of the current American Way of Life or some form of tragic coincidence, then the confiscation of guns will do little to quell the spate of mass shootings.

It is curious that the rash of recent tragedies in America have all coincided with a Federal drill mirroring the same type of incident as the real tragedy. For example, the bombings at the Boston Marathon coincided with a federal drill based around a bombing by terrorists at the Boston Marathon. In fact, the timing of the bombings matched the drill bombing timetable exactly. The tragedy of 9/11 coincided with a federal drill in which armed terrorists would hijack commercial airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Capitol building. The shooting at the Washington (D.C.) Navy Yard coincided with a federal drill in which an armed attacker fired shots near the Washington Navy Yard.

Each recent major event seems to coincide with a federal drill based on the same incident. I may believe in coincidences, but this is stretching coincidence to an extreme.

If federal planning coincides with each mass shooting and terrorist incident over the past 11 years, would this be indicative of some sort of planning of these incidents at a high level of government?

I leave the answer to that question to you, for me, I have already reached a conclusion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

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