Obama lives in a world of his own making that has no connection to the real world. Being played by Putin, he continues to believe the world is a rosy place in which if people only talk everything will be better. With this naivete', Obama allows himself to be played by those who see the world differently - and more realistically.
Our Liar-in-Chief is now saying that he hopes to avoid a hot war with Russia and will do anything and everything in his power to avoid it. If only Reagan were President now. Reagan understood tyrants and bullies and real-world politics. If Reagan were President, the Russian aggression of Ukraine would probably never have happened.
Those who use force to achieve their aims are stopped only by the threat of force. Talk has little sway over them because they do not believe in talk unless it serves their purpose - which is to attain more of their political or military agenda. Obama has walked into this quicksand by wearing rose-colored glasses that do not permit him to see quicksand or quagmires. As a result, Obama's actions over the last five years have encouraged tyrants, despots, dictators and powerful nations around the world to exercise their power to achieve their aims at the expense of the White House and the rule of law. Not only is Putin's actions a case in point, but so is Chinese action in the western Pacific, Assad's actions in Syria and Kim's actions in North Korea. Will there be another international ploy by someone who wants to play Obama?
Obama is getting played, and what is really sad is he doesn't even know it. By abandoning Ukraine and vetoing any application by Ukraine to join NATO, the United States is only making the current situation worse and laying the groundwork for more repercussions from other states and non-state actors in the future. Obama is making thins worse not better. Obama is making the world less safe, not more safe.
Obama has a view of geopolitics that is naive at best and dangerous at worst. To prevent a hot war as he seeks, you must prepare for one. Only by displaying strength do you prevent wars, not by appearing weak or appeasing bullies. This was a lesson we laerned during World War Two, but Obama seems never to have learned it nor studied history.
Our worst President in history may destroy the United States yet. This Amateur in the White House remains the worst choice the American people have made in our deteriorating state of the Executive office. From bad to worse, the caliber of our President's have been sliding downhill since Ronald Reagan. I feel only God can save us now. It is certainly beyond any human's capability and far beyond President Obama's.
by Perry Jones