Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Mission

My Mission by Perry Jones

I am on a mission to change the world and I can do it – one person at a time.

My objective is to be a cross between Billy Graham and Tony Robbins.

My goal is to help people who don’t know God to come to know God by understanding that God has a very specific and well-defined purpose for their life. And, if they are out of work, struggling financially or if they are not happy and filled with joy, they are not living that purpose. And then I want to help people discover what that purpose is.

For Christians and for those who believe they know the Lord, I want to tell people that if their life is not filled with bright, positive and empowering relationships, that if they are not free from overeating, addictions, alcohol, anger, fear or poverty, if their heart is not filled with joy and happiness, that they are living in sin and not doing what God has planned for them to do. It is my belief that these are the people to whom Jesus will say; “Be gone from me, I never knew you.”

I want to teach the Good News of the Kingdom of God. And I want to teach people that by living the life God has planned for you, you will build the Kingdom in your life, moment by moment and brick by brick and that day by day, that kingdom will manifest itself more and more in your life.

It is my belief that by all of us working individually to build the kingdom of God in our lives, we help to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. And that as the number of people doing this increases and reaches a critical stage, Jesus will return to Earth.

Billy Graham was a great evangelist who brought millions of people to God. Tony Robbins has helped millions of people find the strength within themselves to turn their lives around and achieve the success they had only dreamed of. I want to combine these two works so that millions of people can come to know Jesus and help build Christ’s Kingdom through the process of rebuilding their lives. I want people to understand that there is no life too damaged, no dream too shattered, no problem so overwhelming, that Jesus can’t fix it and He will, if they but turn their lives over to Him.

This is the latter rain. Help me to bring the rain. Help me to take shattered lives and rebuild them, help me to take lukewarm Christians and light a fire in their souls, help me to bring the rain to those who have never received a drop of water in their lives. Help me to restore Christian principles to a shattered America. Help me to heal broken hearts and desperate lives. Help me to reach out to the homeless, the helpless and the unemployed and show them there is hope, there is help and there is possibility. Help me to bring hope where there was only fear, to bring joy where there was only anger, to bring peace where there was only violence and to bring Jesus where He was unknown.

Will you do me a favor? The training required to bring hope to the hopeless, help to those who have given up on help and love to those who have only known fear will cost $25,000. Help me. Please donate as much as you can, if you can donate $20 or more that would be great but even if you can only give a few dollars or a dollar or two, that would be a big help.

Please dig deep and help me. Help me to create the latter rain. Help me to bring peace to broken hearts, help me to bring hope to shattered lives, help me to bring a chance to moms and dads who have been out of work for months and have nearly given up, help me to bring a helping hand to families facing overwhelming odds and the chance of happiness to faces now stained with tears.
Please give $20, $50, $100, $1000 or even $25,000. But if all you can give is a dollar or two, every bit counts, every bit helps and I would be extremely thankful for anything you can give and for any prayers you pray.

Thank you for your help. You can also help by buying one of my books. There are several books I have written. You can click on the link to go to my book page. Please donate as much as you can or buy a book. And please, please, please pray that my endeavor will be God-driven and successful. I can use all the prayers I can get.

Thank you.

-Perry Jones

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Solution That Will Save the Nation

by Perry Jones

It seems obvious to me that we as a nation, and we as a people, do not have the answers to the questions that divide us; we cannot even agree on the questions. It seems obvious to me that neither the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, nor the Democrats, nor the Republicans, nor the Tea Party, nor the independents, nor Obama, nor Newt, nor Ron Paul, nor Romney have the solutions that are best for this nation.

Further, it seems obvious to me that although we all agree that the path we are on is the wrong path for this nation to travel, none of us can agree on what the right path is.

Therefore, I think we should forget about politics and about all the problems this nation has. We are not going to agree on the answers, we are not even going to agree on the questions.

No one knows who the best candidate is, but God knows. No one knows what the best solutions are for our nation, but God knows. No one knows how to heal the polarization between the parties or in Congress or how to unite us when so much seems to divide us. I don't have the answers to these questions nor does anyone, but God does.

We need to place all our concerns, questions and worries at the feet of God. Then we need to get down on our knees and pray. God has promised that if we are sincere and earnest and bring our concerns to him, he will meet us halfway and provide the answers to our prayers, the solutions to our questions and relief from our worries. He will dry our tears, remove our fear and bring us through safely to a new, brighter, better day.

We need to stop the bickering and ask God to show us the candidate who will be best for our nation.

We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and ask God to show us what solutions are best for our country.

We need to stop blaming each other and ask God to show us what each of us must do personally to help God bring each of us and this nation back to Him.

Finally, we need to stop in our haste and the busyness of our every day lives and enjoy the life that God has ordained for us. We need to stop wondering what to do and ask God to show us what must be done to restore those things that made this nation great and made us a light to all nations.

We don't know the answers, we don't know the solutions, but God does, and He will show us what they are, if we but honestly, humbly and sincerely ask.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Building Wealth, Making Money

Beginning with industrialization, governments sought to expand their economies by replacing the long-term and slow growth modality of capital creation with the faster and more expedient means of debt creation. But as economies expanded, debt ballooned. Over time, as a nation's market expanded at a fairly steady pace (with the occasional downturn and setback), ensuring a commensurate increase in incomes, apparent wealth and living standards, the total debt increased at an exponential rate exceeding by many magnitudes the growth rate of the economy. As a result, at any major downturn and national or regional setback, nations businesses and individuals are left foundering in a sea of debt.

There can be no "fix" to an economy based on debt nor for a business' or individual's debt load unless the "fix" originates from the capital creation side of economic philosophy. However, as capital creation is slow and uneven this solution is unpalatable to nations and peoples accustomed to quick repairs, fast connections and instant gratification. To be told that a solution to debt can be guaranteed, but only after 10 or 20 years of hard work, with very little to show for the first half of that period, people and nations may opt for the more expedient solution of expanding their debt. Although this solution seems to solve the immediate debt, the existing debt doesn't go away, it is merely subsumed within the new debt. This seems to solve the immediate debt situation but in fact only moves the problem to a future date.

There is no solution to a debt crisis using the current model of debt creation. Under this model, current debt never goes away, it is only added to future debt. The only solution to a crisis of debt is debt that provides periodic income in excess of the periodic payments necessary to acquire that debt. Debt based on this new model is based on tangible assets, i.e. hard, fixed assets which cannot be easily dismantled or destroyed.

There are only four asset classes of production. These four classes are land (or real estate), labor, capital (cash), and intellectual property. In the modern era, each of these asset classes bears varying degrees of mortality risk based on the further distinction (subcategory) of that asset category, its location on the planet, competition and the market from which its revenues are derived. No place is absolutely safe; fires, earthquakes floods and storms can destroy a factory, warehouse or subdivision just as surely as war, a terrorist attack, competition or market decline.

Investment in debt is never a safe option. Debt is a soft asset, an intangible or paper asset which can lose value or be destroyed as easily as it was created. Whether the soft asset is student loans, mortgages, commodities, foreign exchange or highly leveraged derivatives, there is no assurance that any investment made today will be secure tomorrow. The characteristic of a soft asset which makes it easy to generate high returns over short periods of time is leverage. However, this leverage of return also leverages the degree of risk. The farther removed an asset is from a hard asset to a soft asset, the more inherent the risk built into the structure of that asset. Although this risk also leverages the potential rate of return, the increase in the return is simply not worth the increased risk as the current real estate crisis, worldwide currency crises, the slow decline of the dollar and international governmental debt crises all attest.

Income generating assets exist in a variety of forms and their return can exceed that of the more familiar debt model based asset vehicles. One of the most popular forms is stock ownership. Although this seems a contradiction in the capital creation concept, it is in fact a core concept; buy assets, not debt, buy ownership, not a promise. With stock, you are buying a piece of the company; when buying a student loan package, you are buying a promise.

Equity in a commercial enterprise is perhaps the easiest, least expensive and lowest risk means of initiating a capital creation strategy. To assure the proper perspective on equity purchases, an investor must view the asset for the periodic income it generates, not the projected cash-in value of the asset at some indeterminate time in the future. Each investor must view the asset as one that they will hold forever and then pass onto their heirs because of the income it generates (and additionally the value it adds to their estate). No investor should view such an asset as one they plan to sell in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years.

Indivduals, businesses and governments must all adopt the long view. This long view rests on a foundation of capital creation. Capital creation is the acquisition of assets which produce periodic, current income in excess of the payments required to purchase that asset.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6729612